Universe Encyclopedia: Pyramid

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Friday, 26 March 2010


Pyramid, who don't know this building? Pyramid is one of the seven wonders in the world. Seven wonders choosed and selected with so many criteria, it's not easy to be the member of seven wonders. To be the member of seven wonders observed by the function to the citizen, unique, and large size of the thing. From the first time seven wonders choosed until now, Pyramid still be the member.

If we hear about Pyramid, the first thing in our mind is a very large triangle but for the real, what is Pyramid? Pyramid is a place to save Pharaoh's corpse or we can say that Pyramid is a tomb, a very large tomb for Pharaoh. One Pyramid only fill with one corpse, depend on who built that Pyramid. There are many Pyramid found in this word. It shows that was many Pharaoh who ever lead Egypt. The special thing of Pyramid is the size and the materials which built it. Pyramid structure is consist of millions block of stone and each stone 2,5 to 15 tons. Every Pyramid has many variation of the height, from less than 100 m upto more than 150 m (480 ft). Can you imagine prehistoric people could build a building which height more than 100 m? It really nonsense for them to built a building like that, even for modern people need hi-tech machine to build a building more than 100 m high. How could prehistoric people put the stone one by one to made cone shape? Amazing..... Jean Francois Champollion -Modern Ancient Egypt Knowledge Father- predicted that people who built Pyramid different with now. He predicted that the people who built the Pyramid could reach 100 ft height. Graham Hancock -Famous Author- in his book "God's Dactyloscopy" said in that unstabilized place, very hard to stabilize their position while moved up very large and heavy stone one by one , so it's nonsense for common people to do it. He predicted that this job did by very strong and powerful people because it need very specific accuration and precision to finish that job.

The largest and highest Pyramid found in Giza -name of city in Egypt-. The first Pyramid in Giza built by Khufu Pharaoh. Scientist predicted that Pyramid begun to build about 2680 B.C. The structure made by solid mass of limestone blocus which covering 13 acres/5,3 hectares and about 756 ft/230 m along each side of it's base, it also reach 482 ft/147 m high. It consist of 2,3 millions stone blocks and each weight about 2,5 to 15 tons. Second Pyramid in Giza built by the son of Khufu Pharaoh. They started to build the Pyramid about 2520 B.C. The third Pyramid in Giza built by the grandson of Khufu Pharaoh. It was about 2490 B.C. when they started. Something we can find in three Pyramid at Giza are including palace, temples, solar boat pits and other features. Scientist had a conclucion that the first Pyramid built by Khufu Pharaoh in Giza, but a note called “Inventory Stela” that saved in the Kairo museum, said that there was another Pyramid before Khufu became the Pharaoh. This statement was really controversial because it against the traditional culture in Egypt so that it delayed the investigated of Pyramid history.

Beside Pyramid at Giza, there is still many Pyramid in this world. One of them is “The Pyramid of the Sun”. The Pyramid of the Sun is in the famous archeological area at Teotihuacuan. Tetihuacuan is the biggest ancient city in Mexico called “God City”. It is about one hour in northeast to capital city of Mexico. The Pyramid nearly 200 ft high and 700 ft wide. It built on top of a cave which was discovered in 1970. Do you know there is a myth there, if you wear white dress and climb to the top of The Pyramid of the Sun and at the top stand with arms, you will get the special energy of the site on that day? Climb to the top of the Pyramid, can you imagine how high is it? All around 250 stairs there. If you reach to the top, you can see the excellent view.

A few times ago, some archeologist found another Pyramid in Teotihuacuan. That pyramid is under the mountain which usually used to illustrated the crossing of Jesus - Saviour for the Christian -. This Pyramid 60 ft high and 2 ft under the surface of the earth. Is it amazing? That pyramid can’t investigated with more detail because the mountain is used by everyone in the world to celebrate/ remind about Jesus crossing. Many parts of this pyramid already brake because every year millions people come there and automatically damaged.

There are still many pyramid in the world, but the most amazing that aver found was in the Bermuda Triangle at Atlantic Ocean. This pyramid was found on the bottom of the sea. Fantastic!! That pyramid is 200 m high, 100 m under the surface of the earth and each bottom side reach 300 m. How can this amazing pyramid built under the sea? There was many opinions of that ting. Some scientist said that pyramid built in the ground but because of the very big earthquake, that pyramid went down underwater.some other said that place in some hundred years ago was one of Atlantis people place to do their activities. Master Li Hongzhi in his book ”Zhuan Falun” have an explaination about it. He said on this earth there are Asia, Europe, America, Africa, Oceania, and Atlantic continent. Since all of that continent formed already a history for millions years. Many places already went down under water and many place under water went up to the land. In the bottom of the sea already found so many building with beautiful carving and it was not from the modern people culture, so certainly it went to under water.

In this world so many pyramid found. It is really amazing, for the real how clever was the prehistoric people so they could build an amazing building like pyramid.

Sources: 1. http://www.nationalgeographic.com
2. http://www.theepochtimes.com
3. http://www.evabavu.net
4. http://www.erabaru.or.id
5. http://www.about.com
6. Inspiration Civilization Prehistoric for Mankind

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