Universe Encyclopedia: BPUPKI (Dokuritsu Zunbi Cosakai)

Friday, 26 March 2010

BPUPKI (Dokuritsu Zunbi Cosakai)

BPUPKI was one of organization in Indonesia that had a really important place in independent declaration of Indonesia. This organization formed in 1 March 1945 in Java -name of island in Indonesia-. BPUPKI formed by Kumakici Harada -General of Japan- because in that time Japan got a critical situation and wanted to made Indonesian people supported Japan. In that time, Japan had to faced USA and friends, so they needed help from many country especially Indonesia which had many nature resources and people.

BPUPKI consist of one leader (Kaicoo), two young leaders (Fuku Kaicoo), and sixty members (Lin). Here was the structure of the organization :

Leader : Dr. K.R.T Radjiman Wediodiningrat

Young Leader :
1. R.P. Suroso
2. Ichibangase

Members :
1. Ir. Soekarno
2. Mr. Moh. Yamin
3. Dr. R. Kusumaatmadja
4. R. Abdulrahim Pratalykrama
5. R. Aris
6. K.H. Dewantara
7. R.A.A. Wiranatakusuma
8. Ir. R. Asharsutedjo Munandar
9. Opy Tiang Tjoei
10. Drs. Mohammad Hatta
11. R.M. Margono Djojohadikusumo
12. K.H. Abdul Halim
13. K.H. Masjkur
14. R. Sudirman
15. Prof. Dr. P.A. Husein Djajadiningrat
16. K. Bagus H. Hadikusumo
17. B.P.H Bintoro
18. Abdul Kahar Muzakir
19. Mr. Ny. Maria Ulfah
20. R.M.T.A Surjo
21. R. Rooslan Wongsokusumo
22. Mr. R. Susanto Tirtoprodjo
23. Ny. R.S.S. Sunarjo Mangunpuspito
24. Dr. R. Buntaran Martoatmodjo
25. Lim Koen Hian
26. Mr. Y. Latuharhary
27. Mr. R. Hindromartono
28. R. Sukardjo Wirjopranoto
29. Haji A. Sanusi
30. A.M. Dasaad
31. Mr. Tang Eng Hoa
32. Oei Tjong Hauw
33. H. Agus Salim
34. M. Sutardjo Kartohadikusumo
35. Ir. Surachman Tjokroadisurjo
36. R.A.A. Sumitro Kolopaking Purbonegoro
37. K.R.M.T.H. Wurjaningrat
38. Mr. Achmad Subardjo
39. Prof. Dr. Asikin Widjajakusuma
40. Abikusno Tjokrosujoso
41. Parada Harahap
42. Mr. R.M. Sartono
43. K.H. Mas Mansjur
44. Drs. K.R.M.A. Sosrodiningrat
45. Prof. Dr. Supomo
46. Prof. Ir. R. Rooseno
47. Mr. R.P. Singgih
48. Mr. R.P. Suwandi
49. K.H. Wahid Hasyim
50. P.F. Dahler
51. Dr. Sukimam Wirjosandjojo
52. Mr. K.R.M.T. Wongsonagoro
53. R. Oto Iskandardinata
54. Baswedan
55. Abdul Kadir
56. Dr. Samsi
57. Mr. A.A. Maramis
58. Mr. R. Samsudin
59. Mr. R. Sastromuljono
60. B.P.H Purbojo

BPUPKI legitimated as an organization in 29 April 1945. It same with the birthday of Tenno Haika -General Of Japan-. It was in "Cuo Sangi In" building -Military Government Advisory council building-, now "Department Of Foreign Affairs" building (pejambon street, Jakarta).

BPUPKI had function to learned and investigated important things that had a relation with independent Indonesia formed. This organization wanted to learn about economic, political, law and other things to make independent Indonesia.

BPUPKI arranged its first meeting on 29 May - 1 June 1945. Main things that discussed by BPUPKI in that meeting was about based philosophy of independent Indonesia. The leader of BPUPKI requested to all of members about Indonesia's based foundation. There was 3 person who gave idea, they were Moh. Yamin, Supomo and Soekarno. Here were the ideas :

1. Mr. Moh. Yamin on 29 May 1945 :
- Nationalism Fairy
- Humanity Fairy
- God Fairy
- Citizenship Fairy
- Citizen Prosperity

2. Prof. Dr. Supomo on 31 May 1945 :
- United
- Family Spirit
- Balance Of Body And Soul
- Negotiation
- Citizen fairness

3. Ir. Soekarno on 1 June 1945 :
- Nationality Of Indonesia or Nationalism
- Humanity Fairy or Internationalism
- Agreement or Democration
- Social Prosperity
- God Who Really Only

In the future, after Soekarno gave his ideas, 1 June declared as “Pancasila Day” in Indonesia. BPUPKI’s first meeting ended on 1 June 1945 but there was still no decisions. So, after break 1 month, BPUPKI formed small committee called “Nine Commttee” because it consist of nine persons, they were Ir. Soekarno (Leader), Drs. Moh. Hatta, Mr. Moh. Yamin, Mr. Achmad Soebardjo,Mr. A.A. Maramis, Abdulkahar Muzakir, K.H. Wahid Hasyim, H. Agus Salim, and Abikusno Tjokrosujoso. The purposed of Nine Committee was to make a summary from BPUPKI’s first meeting.

The output of Nine Committee was “Piagam Jakarta” or “Jakarta Charter”. Jakarta Charter was a summary which consist of based philosophy and purposed independent Indonesia formation. Here was the content of Jakarta Charter.
1. God, with duty to did muslim rule for the each adherent.
2. (depended on) humanity based which fair and cultured.
3. Indonesia United
4. (and) citizenship which lead by wise soul in representative negotiation.
5. (also with realized a) social fairness for all Indonesian people.

Here was the content of Jakarta Charter :

Jakarta Charter

The Thruth independence is the inalienable right of all nations, and therefore over the world colonialism must be abolished, because not in accordance with the fairy-fairies-humanity and justice.

And the struggle for Indonesian independence movement has been reached (is) to when the happy-prosperity safely deliver the people of Indonesia to the fore the gate of an independent Indonesian state, united, sovereign, just and prosperous.

The blessings of Almighty God, and motivated by the noble desire to live a free national life, the people of Indonesia hereby declare their independence.

After that, to form a government of independent Indonesia which shall protect all the Indonesian people and the country-of Indonesia, and to promote general welfare, the intellectual life of the nation, and contribute to the establishment of a world order based on freedom, abiding peace and social justice, then arranged Indonesia's national independence in a Basic Law of the State of Indonesia, which was formed in an arrangement Indonesia Republic, which sovereign people, with is based on: the divine, with the obligation to run for the followers of Islamic law-adherents, according to a just basic humanity and civilized, Indonesia's unity, and democracy led by the wisdom of representative deliberation, and with the establish a social justice for all Indonesian people

Jakarta, June 22, 1945

Ir. Soekarno
Mohammad Hatta
AA Maramis
Abikusno Tjokrosujoso
Abdulkahar Muzakir
H.A. Salim
Achmad Subardjo
Wahid Hasyim
Muhammad Yamin

BPUPKI’s second meeting started from 10 July and ended 17 July 1945. In the opening of the meeting, Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat announced that would be 6 new members in BPUPKI. The main things that would be discussed in the second meeting was about the shaped of independent Indonesia. There were 55 members who wanted to make Indonesia as a republic country, 6 members anted to make Indonesia as monarchy, 2 embers wanted to make another shape of Indonesia, and 1 member blanco. Total there were 64 members voices.

Here were the chronology of BPUPKI’s second meeting :

1. On 10 July 1945 discussed about formed 3 committee. There were “Fundamental Constitution Panelist Committee”, “Monetary and Economic Investigator Committee”, “Nationality Defender Committee”.
a.) Fundamental Constitutional Panelist Committee conducted by Ir. Soekarno. This committee had a special members from Japan namedMyano. There were 18 embers in this committee, they were :
- A.A. Maramis
- Oto Iskandardinata
- Poeroebojo
- Agus Salim
- Mr. Achmad Soebardjo
- Prof. Dr. Supomo
- Mr. Maria Ulfah Santoso
- Wachid Hasyim
- Paroda Harahap
- Mr. Wongsonegoro
- Wuryaningrat
- Mr. R.P. Singgih
- Tan Eng Hoat
- Prof. Dr. P.A. Husein Djajadiningrat
- Dr. Sukiman
- Mr. Laturharhary
- Mr. Susanto Tirtoprodjo
- Mr. Sartono
b.) Monetary and Economic Investigator Committee conducted by Drs. Mohammad Hatta. This committee had a special member from Japan named Tokonami Kakka.
c.) Nationality Defender Committee conduducted by Abikusno Tjikrosuyoso. This Committee had 2 special members from Japan, they were Tanaka Kakka and Matuura.

2. On 11 July 1945 BPUPKI discussed about Indonesia’s limit and large. There were 3 proposal about
Indonesia’s limit and large, tey were :
- Holland Hindia’s ground in the past.
- Holland Hindia’s ground in the past with Malaya, North Borneo, East Irian, Timor Portugis (Now Timor Leste)
- Holland Hindia’s ground in the past with Malaya, but without West Irian.
From 66 voices, 19 voices choosed the first proposal; 6 voices choosed the third proposal; 1 voice choosed other place; and 1 voice blanco.

On 11 July 1945, Fundamental Constitution Panelist Committee agreed the opening of Fundamental Constitution of Indonesia that adapted from Jakarta Charter. After that, Fundamental Constitution Panelist Committee set up new small committee name “Fundamental Constitution Designer Small Committee”. This Committee had 6 members, they were :
- Prof. Dr. Supomo (Leader)
- Mr. Wongsonegoro
- Mr. Achmad Soebardjo
- Mr. A.A. Maramis
- Mr. R.P. Singgih
- H. Agus Salim
- dr. Sukiman

3. On 3 July 1945 Fundamental Constitution Panelist Committee arranged a meeting to got a report from
its small committee. The reported from Fundamental Constitution Designer Small Committee were :
a.) Sovereign did by Citizen Negotiation Council which made a meeting once in five years to make an constitution.
b.) President had to make an agreement with House Of Representatives Parliament.
c.) For the daily job, President was the leader of government. President got a supported from Vice President and Minister who responsible to President.

That summary improved by "Smoothing Language Committee" to smooth the language . This committee also repaired and arranged that result. This committee consist of :
- Prof. Dr. Husein Djajadingrat
- H. Agus Salim
- Prof. Dr. Supomo

4. On 14 July 1945 BPUPKI continued its second meeting. In that meeting Ir. Soekarno reported 3 things
that already discussed by Fundamental Constitution Panelist Committee before, there were :
- Independent Indonesia Statement.
- Opening of Fundamental Constitution.
- Main Things of Fundamental Constitution
*Concept of Independent Indonesia statement adapted from 3 paragraph of Jakarta Charter.
*Concept of opening Fundamental Constitution almost adapted all from the fourth and last paragraph in Jakarta Charter.
*Both of that concept discussed in the meeting for more one hours.

5. On 16 July 1945, Radjiman Wediodiningrat said that they Fundamental Constitution Text surely.

6. On 17 July 1945 BPUPKI discussed about Economic Committee and Nationality Defender Committee ideas. After that, BPUPKI accept that committee's ideas, and with accepted that committee's idea, BPUPKI's job had finished.

Finally, all result that already did by BPUPKI gave to Saiko Shikikan -Commander In Chief in Java-. BPUPKI already did a really big job, and made Indonesia moved forward one step. Finally BPUPKI dismissed by Japan in 7 and replaced with PPKI -Organization which continued Indonesian fight with colognizer-

Sources :

1. Suparmanto, Agus Gondho et al. 2004. Sejarah 2 (Untuk SMP Kelas VIII). Jakarta : PT. Galaxy Puspa Mega.
2. Indratno, A. Ferry T.2007. Sejarah (Untuk SMA/MA Kelas XI IPA). Jakarta : PT. Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia.
3. Http://www.wikipedia.org

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